OK,well "Death & Taxes" have always been one of life's true rules,i have for the most part just paid my taxes due and shoved the death part in the "nothing i can do about it" file.Their our 5 to 6 million taxpayers(USA expats) living offshore and another 40 million living in America holding (maybe) offshore accounts.The Majority of us(taxpayers our sane,and pay our fair share on time).I am in "Deep "Brown Stuff" now for not being "Told by my stateside tax preparer about this major issue".The aforementioned guy works for one of Americas largest Tax services,and you will find them in every mall & "Walmart" each Tax year....."BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART"!Expats
need "Expert "Offshore Tax Advisers" as the penalties for failure to be vigilant and diligent on these yearly matters is"Life & Death' to your retirement and financial well being.I have(in the process of retaining the tax experts(www.taxesforexpats.com)(
I am "NOT" being paid for passing on These experts contact information,just letting you know that i have "Checked out their business" and they our very highly though of.They have a very comprehensive web site,information tax blog,the owner speaks Russian,English, and is able to converse in other languages(check out on "linkin")recommend by the IRS,BBB,and other Tax professionals.I can only say that i am "Very worried" of the future,without my wife,money,Thailand,health care and Thai family.If this gets your attention,then i have done you a very good favor,take heed!Chok Dee.Luckkybuddha999
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