Tuesday, August 23, 2011
"Take this job and shove it!
"I ain't working here anymore""J.Paycheck's"big hit back in the seventies.This brings me to the subject of "Choices"!The fact that i am now facing down my 62nd birthday reminds me of the "Choices" that have brought me to this wonderful country of Thailand.My lifetime has been filled with so many "Choices"of which i am now either enjoying or paying back my "Karma"in ways i would rather not deal with(The bad ones!)!I am guilty of many bad choices in life and regret them every time i revisit them in my mind.I have loved many with all my heart,and hurt as many during my lifetime.My choices have helped many,and hurt others.This is not a good or bad thing,but just my life and my need to express my feelings on just"How in Hell did I end up here?".My life is no more special than any other human being,just my life and my choices.This brings me to the point of this post,choices our mine to make,win or lose.I, like many who have just picked up and moved away from family & friends and comfort zones live now with my "Choices".I have family who think i am a crazy old man.Family & advisers have thrown up their collective hands and declared me a "Lost Cause".I wish to thank them for their concerns ,support or lack of(for some family members) support,as this "IS" my "Choice".I want to live & die on my own terms.My dreams our mine,they our not the property of others who think they know what is best.I have lived my whole life by one simple rule"If it feels Good,then go for it"!The time to regret and wallow away in self pity over broken dreams our in my rear view mirror,this dream is mine.Luckkyybuddha999
"You Don't have to call me Darling,Darling"!
"You never even called me by my name""David Allen Cole.".Hello Darling".is always the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about my Thai Wife "Khun Amporn",and the first things that comes to mind when listing to other family members is"You never even call me by my name".This little problem with Thai people can and should be taken with a liberal grain of salt.Having a last name of "Swan"was always open to nicknames most of my life,so being addressed "As the Farang" is no big deal most of the time.I do say most of the time as a "Qualifier",because it can be used as a derogatory phrase also.My take on it is "Mai pen rai"!luckkyybuddha999
Thursday, August 18, 2011
It is possible to retire on a small to average Social Security benefit only in S.E.Asia.What is small to average?Think in the area of 1000/1500,this would do the job nicely for most people.I can point out the numbers(money),that make this possible.First, the average working non-university employed Thai makes about 8.60 usd $ per day.I am talking about 65 to 75 % of the general population of Thailand.That figure is for a 10 to 12 hour day,6 days a week x 52=2703.00 US Dollars a "YEAR".A Thai university graduate earns anywhere between 355 to 600.00 per month,so if you average that out to 475.00=5700.00 per year.A good figure to use when thinking about the true costs of living in Thailand is to base it on the university level grade pay,which averages around 12,000thb to 15,000thb per month,half of what you our bringing to the table,so too speak!OK,we "Farangs do get the "Treatment",that would be the ever present "Double pricing" scam that persists in this wonderful country.I spent a lot more than needed to be spent my first three years living here.I am now fully informed on most of the "Scams" & Thai Family Money issues...They our many and crop up everyday.Do not buy what you can rent!I wish i had taken that advice,when first offered me by others who had spent many years in Thailand.Rent is way cheaper than buying in Thailand.I will also point out that no matter what you read,you can "NOT" own "LAND" in Thailand.If you buy a house,then it must be given to your wife(not G/F) strings attached in the deal.It is much easier to rent long term or short.In my area you can get a 1 bedroom apartment furnished with "A/C" for under 7,000thb(210.00) per month.You can rent a house in Saimai area of Bangkok for close to that price also,but you will pay extra for the water,electric,Internet etc.Taxis our the way to go,along with public transportation.I bought a new car,big mistake on my part.Take the bus,BTS sky train,taxi,or motorcycle taxi..Cheap!Eat where the "REGULAR" Thai eats.Food can cost less than 3,000thb a month.It is safe,cheap and fun to eat where the regular Thai eats.A simple meal costs less than 60thb in most places(two bucks!)I have Internet for 12 bucks a month.Cable with 100 stations(SANOOK CABLE) 35 bucks for the year.Water & electric run about 120.00 a month for a big house if you use "A/C"...Fans our cheaper!If you need medical,then just go where the "REGULAR THAIS GO",not to the "BIG PRIVATE HOSPITALS".I use "Bcare Hospital" in Saimai,it is owned and run by the Thai Air force(or at least most of the staff our Air force)it is good,cheap and they do take good care of you.I average less than 50.00 bucks a pop for the Doctor,Nurse,Medication.Dental work is at its cheapest if you access it from a hospital.Most if not all of your medical needs can be accessed in a one-stop & shop medical facility.If you decide to move & retire here before getting married(both male & female),please do yourself a favor and get a "GOOD" Thai friend,as they can and will get you the best deals,keep you from getting into a big mess,and help you understand that "Thailand",is not Kansas Alice!Thais do not "TIP",so throw that habit out the window,you will save at least 100 bucks a month.Very few regular Thai go to buy needed things to wear from the big malls.Follow the regular Thai,forget about the quality(things our cheaply made) and stop thinking like a "American".I can play golf cheap here also,just go where the "Regular Thai Plays",not the five-star resorts.I can tell you to go to the Air force & Army golf courses,they our the cheapest in Thailand,and also they our all over this country.The greens our not great,nor our the tee areas,but the cost is 50 to 100% less than the tourist resorts.I would also recommend that you get a Thai drivers license,as it lets you visit National parks for the same price as Thai nationals(most of the time)It is also smart to learn all about "ATM's" and Thai Banking,as this is a third world country and things our different.I spent at least 60 grand doing stupid "Farang" things in my first two years.I hope that this little advice, saves you from doing the same.My last bit of advice,please protect yourself & money at all times,Thais think you our "RICH",and will always let you pay.luckkyybuddha999
Social Security & federal Benefits "Direct Deposit" Thailand

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Kicking Back.
I guess it is time to introduce myself to my readers.My name is James A. swan.I am almost "62" years young,married and living full time in Thailand(Bangkok/Saimai).I first visited Thailand in March of 2007 and it was "Love at first sight".My visit was basically to play golf,and check out Thailand as a place to retire.I had no idea that i would end up getting married,moving to Thailand,or any of the varied things that have happened to me since that first visit.My return to America after my first visit was to say the least a real "Downer"!I was met with cold & rain and my very big and lonely home at a time that a need for a change was long over due.I did not want to die alone ,or live in the cold or any other "Bad Dreams"anymore.I think when people reach a certain age, they need a reassessment of priorities in their lives.My needs were/our very simple and basic,First i want to be happy and active.Living alone,playing golf,watching TV..repeat,repeat and waiting for my demise was not going to make it.Living in a western country & culture does not bode well for seniors looking for companionship,marriage and other comforting things to make your life fuller.I am not into Seniors Centers,Bingo,Shuffleboard or food banks.I needed a place where my age was not a issue,marriage was possible,medical good & cheap and the cost of living reasonable.Thailand covers all of these requirements and more!Culture and language problems our many,but these issues can be met if you learn to accept things on "Thai Terms".I managed to make the "Leap of Faith" in less than a year after my first visit.I am for the most part very happy with my choices.If you our leaning towards a change in life,then consider living outside your "Comfort Zone" and becoming a "Expat".This change will bring you many challenges,but the rewards our worth the 'Leap of Faith".luckkyybuddha999
Suay Mak! Khun Amporn(Mia) & Daisy.Sadly the pooch is now gone,but my wife always delights in viewing this picture.I love this picture very much,as it really gives me a "Good" feeling!Thai people love their pets,and the pets our very much part of the family.I believe that the farm had only two cows and two Kwai,now we have over a dozen cows and Kwai,and twenty dogs.....Living in Bangkok away from the family farm is stressful and the vacations back to the farm our very much looked forward too!luckkyybuddha999
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A Review of a Thai-American marriage

Third wedding anniversary here in Thailand. There were many times this event was in mortal danger of failing. The vast chasm between cultures is very deep, and the ability to compromise a must. My family and financial advisor have been at arms length in dealing with my multi-cultural marriage. Am I happy? I believe, considering the age difference between my wife and myself, that I am. Am I somewhat lost? Yes! I am gaining ground every day in that area, as time is a great teacher. Money? Yes there has been issues. Again, I am learning. A loan in Thailand translates into any language as a gift, it will seldom if ever be repaid.
Family comes first for your Thai
Wife. I speak about her family, not mine or myself. The daughters in Thai Families our the social security for aging parents. America and most western countries do not follow this practice. Love and trust do work fairly well, if not perfect in my marriage. I now trust my wife with much more acceptance of her culture and Buddhist family. The review is somewhat biases, as I love my wife, her family, Thailand and Buddha.Luckkyybuddha999
Monday, August 1, 2011
Teaching "English"in Thailand
The list of Schools offering credentials & placement is very big in Bangkok & other major Thai cities.The list of "Scams" is also huge".Buyer Beware",is a quote that needs to be your first thought when checking out these schools.Age & degrees(BA/BS REQUIRED)one or the other,along with a TEFL course taught by a approved"MoE"Thailand(Ministry of Education Thailand.",work permit,letters of recommendation,Police report from your home country,and much more!Still interested?OK,please pay attention!Do not try to get hired without coming to "LOS",finding a job first,spending a long vacation(30 days min)and checking out the huge amount of paperwork,visa,work permits,housing,transportation,medical,and language barriers you will encounter.Normal rate run 1200 up to 2500 for a CELTA certificate(TEFL)being the most common.Age "IS" a "BIG" issue!Asian employers want young teachers,the parents want young teachers,Agencies want young teachers.Male is most common,but Female teachers our most welcome.Age 24 to 34 being the bracket you most likely need to find yourself in.Over 40 years of age,then your chances go down dramatically.Over 50....Do not waste time or money period!The Schools(TEFL & others)will tell you different,but i live here,am over 50,and do not have a degree,and have done the background checking of the facts....YOU WILL GET SCREWED!I am sure that most who read this information,our younger than me,so if you really have the hots to travel,make friends,then by all means jump into the fray.A great site( is run by English teachers here in Thailand.Ajarn has a great forum,job listings,visa & permit information,costs,schools and the complete information is yours for "Free".luckkyybuddha999
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