When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
-Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815
I sort of look prosperous in this picture taken in "Issan Country" of Northeast Thailand.
The true facts our much different.
I am like many expats now living in Thailand,wondering if my "dreams" our soon to be shattered by governments and banks.
The past two weeks have pretty much been a real "eye opener" in the fiscal department of my retirement plans.I seem to be going south alot faster then i would have ever believed possible.
Americans woke up this morning to the lovely news of our governments spending almost three quarters of a Trillion US Dollars on Defense.The signing of this particular fiscal matter by Obama signals the coming of hard times for expats(USA),as it also gives new and very unconstitutional powers to various government bodies,who i might add,do not have yours or my best interest in mind.
The "Patriot Act" is your worst enemy and mine.It has stripped Americans of every single constitutional rights our forebears fought for.I am sick with disgust at the hidden agenda of my government.I left America to be away from the coming "Police State" that is now rearing its ugly head.Americans have left in droves over the last few years looking for less "Government" and intrusive police,corporate stealing,violence and the list goes on....!
Freedom does not come without cost.I gave up my American dream a long time ago,and had hoped i was free to live out my life.
Living as a Expat in any country is and will always be a challenge.I am now dealing with trying to protect my assets and future.If you our really trying to decide if pulling up stakes for greener pastures is for you,then consider this"Their is no place to hide"!I am not trying to really hide as such,but being free to live as a retired person,without my government trying to reach out and "touch me",is foremost in my long range plans.I would suggest that anybody with escape plans search out countries without "Tax Treaties" as these our going to come back to bite you in the butt!Cambodia does not have a treaty,nor Vietnam,Laos and a number of others.The key word here is "RESEARCH"..everything and i do mean everything!As i stated,asset protection from government bodies intent on derailing your retirement,should be first on your list of "To Do",before picking your dream destination.I might be needing to relocate to Cambodia,as i did not do the "RESEARCH"...You have been warned!Luckkyybuddha999
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