Mother Sawat,My Mother-in-law and "Major Domo"...No Shit and you better believe i treat her with the utmost respect and humility.I do not do humble well,but i have made a "Big Exception" in this case!All Thai mothers our "Phu yai" or "Big Boss" in EVERY THAI FAMILY!My friends and readers better pay close attention to this little bit of hard learned advice,your Wife is in total submission to her mother in all matters period!I have taken the responsibility of caring for her after the death of "father Boon",some two years ago come this Jan 6th @ 6:00pm ,with a once in a "Blue Moon" hovering overhead as he went to "Buddha"...I know the exact time as i was holding his hand(Thai Hospices).I made a promise to care for his/my family and his wife,that was made to a dying man of simple means and needs.I see Boon everyday on my computer,alive,dying and in death.I always smile and "Wai" his pictures,and let him know i have kept my word.I guess you might be wondering what this has to do with Sawat,my wife and my marriage?It is simple really,just letting go and excepting my Thai family and their culture.The simple part is knowing my promise to Boon,the hard part is learning how.Sawat is one of the smartest women i have ever came in contact with over my 62 years of life.I marvel at her ability to keep her large and extended family on a level course, all the while being a widower without any help from the Thai government.The Social security of Thailand is up to the children,and first in line is your wife(Forever!),then the next oldest women in the family,Then the eldest son...Of course if you our married to that Thai daughter,then you jump to the front of the line!Number "1" Rule,if you marry in Thailand,then you marry the "Family" and your "Big Boss" can make it a "Living Hell" for you if you do not except her "Phu Yai" in the family...i have had worst "Jobs".Luckkyybuddha999

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