Phu Yai

In Thailand,if they wear a uniform or stand out from the "Norm",then they our "Phu Yai"!I am of course not wearing a uniform in this picture,so i am not the"Phu Yai",only being shown respect as per Thai customs.This was the funeral for my wife's father "Boon" two years ago in "Si muang mai" in "Isaan Country".If you decide to move here,then your home grown usual "feelings" towards police and other official looking types,needs readjustment.I have a very hard time in that department,do to the fact they(officials in Thailand) have their hands out for "Tea Money" in most cases of contact with a "Farang",or just about any Thai they can bully!Bribes our the normal way of conducting business here.Thailand's upper 10% of elite control the other 90% of Thai people.If you want to break down the numbers it is scary.Thai police.Military,Civil officials,Multi-National Corporations with Thai Majority Boards control everything that happens in Thailand.Corruption is the number one problem in this country.The rules of the game our always about "Money and saving face",not about morals,or doing good for the majority of poor Thai people.I know a little about "Buddhist" beliefs,and "Greed" is not at the head of the list of doing "Merit"!The buying and selling of favors is a very entrenched way of life in Thailand.The adjustments you need to make,our many and bothersome,if not amoral!I can get anything i really need(or want!),if the price is acceptable to the "Phu yai"!Thai people would never question any person who they believe is "Phu Yai" to themselves.I can tell you ,almost every single Thai you meet,want to ask you many questions....."Many questions!"The simple reason is "Phu Yai or Phu Noi" for that Thai asking the questions.Yai equals "Big in English,and Noi equals Little".The reason is they do not want to lose face showing to little or to much is a strange dance!luckkyybuddha999

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