This copy of a email to my sister in America, correctly describes a "Thai Wife".
Hi Sis,
Lord has about "8" very small cysts in total,and there is no cancer.
The "drill" is monthly home breast exams and once a year x ray & medical check.
The weather is very "HOT"...36-38c and this will be the norm for the next two plus months,then "RAIN"!
Lord is @ "Toshiba" this am......Another "Meeting" with the management..Thai style "Bottom Line" Stick & Carrot" covering their
asses...Toshiba has lost a very large number of employees due to their reluctance to restart operations.
I need my wife @ home,not working.......
Sawat is just to old to look after Mak,cook & clean and other normal Thai cultural family routines.
Thailand & Asia our very different than America in respect to "Males" helping with household & children,it is just not
acceptable for males to help in these areas..I want to help,but it causes "Loss of Face" for the female members of my family.
I can tell you that even picking up your dishes after a meal,is a 'NO GO"..forget about house cleaning,laundry and food shopping(except @ western style stores).
Lord has almost twenty years @ Toshiba,and the toll on her body has been huge..Lords face has now been clear and free of "Acne" for almost five months,and she has gained needed weight and a real sleep routine(6-8 hours)..The doctor who treated her for Acne issues,told her the "Acne" was stress related,along with lack of sleep and nutrition(good eating & rest habits)..he was 100% correct.
I know it may sound selfish on my part,but i have invested a very large amount of both money & emotions in this marriage,and i want a return on my "Investments"..I need a wife,friend and supporter in this stage of my life.....not somebody who i see for just a few hours everyday.
I have made my position very clear on this issue to the "Family" & Lord",and i am in position(retirement money & savings)to change directions if my wishes our not heeded.
The latter(change of directions) should not be necessary,as i believe Lord likes her new"life" better then working 80 plus hours a week,no house payments now,no bills(for her)and the chance to spend time with her mother,Mak and doing family things that Thai females love doing...LOL,cooking,cleaning,laundry...Lord would be "Shocked"if she spent any real time in America.....Thai people just do not get it!....
As a "Male" chauvinist pig.....LOL,well it does not get any better...she will not let me even clip my own finger & toe nails...I really need her to stay @ home and take care of the "PIG"....
Love "The "FARANG PIG"..."UJ".
OK,so I am a "PIG",but it "IS" a normal way of life living in Asia,and that will not change any time
If you our lucky(No Bar Girls) and marry into a traditional Thai family(again,you marry a Thai woman,you marry the whole family!),you get the benefits that come with marrying a Asian woman.
I also must note that you will of course be the one paying 100% of the benefits package..please do not
judge me to harshly,as this post is a bit"Tongue in cheek"!
Chok dee,
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