Our you free to choose religion,government,taxes,privacy and your right to make basic choices in your everyday life?If the answer is "NO",or I am not sure,then maybe it is time to reevaluate your priorities.I figured out years ago,that my rights were going south.You do not need a very high "IQ" to see the "Writing on the Wall".Freedom,is not without costs.How much does it cost?The answer to that question is staring you right in the face.If you our unhappy and keep living the "Same old way",you will get the same unhappy results.Money,of course plays a big part of this answer.If somebody told you you could live a relatively affordable life style on a budget close to your current social security payment,what would your next question be?Where?The "Answer",anyplace other than your current situation.I live in a country that has affordable walk-in health care(out of pocket),my social security check is not hit with the government medicare deductions(and if you have a small benefit,that is huge!).This same country allows me religious freedom.I have cheap Internet,cable,water,electricity,and public transportation is dirt cheap,including taxi's.I am living in a modern city with every possible comfort you can think of.Again,how much does "Freedom cost"?The answer is"Not anywhere close to what you our now currently spending to just scrape by".I ask you this simple question,"can you live on a thousand dollars a month",and pay for all the above mentioned needs?If the answer is yes,then you can stay"Home"!If on the other hand,you answer "No",then it is time to find a place where you can enjoy your remaining years in relative comfort.There is a number of places on this earth to relocate,some better than others.I chose Thailand,but Vietnam,Cambodia,Malaysia,Burma,Philippines,all provide a cheaper option .It does not take hundreds of thousands of dollars to retire.The people promoting mass retirement budgets,have their own interest in mind"Getting your retirement money"invested in what works for their bottom line(profit)!I suggest you evaluate your "Cash-Out " options,and ask yourself how much money have you earned being fully invested(brokerages,IRA,401k,savings),then do the "Math".Thailand banks pay up to 4% interest on savings.Vietnam banks pay up to 14% interest,and the list goes on!It takes some courage to put your money in a another countries banking system,but it can be done relatively safely.Living in S.E. Asia,allows easy access to multiple countries banking systems,all which can be accessed online.I can fly to (HCM)Saigon,Vietnam for less then a 100.00 US Dollars(1 hour flight).I can open savings/atm/debit in that country(they want your business & money).The same is true for most all other countries in S.E. Asia.Yes,their our some restrictions involved,but most can be safely navigated.I like having "Options" ,and living in this corner of the world provides plenty of options.In the attached picture,i am standing next to my new car.I have a home,a Thai wife,and at least four hospitals within 30 min. drive of my residence.I play golf,go shopping and do everything that i could do in America,except for one major difference"COSTS"!I would be eating at a "Senior center if i lived in America".I would not be able to just walk into a hospital and have a expert doctor examine me,prescribe medications,and not need a appointment,insurance,and co-pay.The fact of the matter is,if i lived in America today,"Destitution" would be my status.I support a family of four,and can do "All" of the above mentioned,for under a "1000.00" US Dollars a month.If you our doing the math,then multiply by your remaining months to live(average mortality rate for your gender & year you were born).I am suppose to make it until age "82",but i figure it is better to be realistic(75-79) Male,and family genetic history.That monthly amount comes in at around "180" months x 1000=180,000 US Dollars.Think you can just retire in America on that figure?Think again!The answer is"Only outside of America".I have that amount in a annuity that pays me every month for twenty years,I have my social security(small,but with a cola attached),and i have savings that amount to high five figures.I can retire,survive,and enjoy my life in S. E. Asia.I am not even close to middle class in America.In Thailand,I am "High Middle Class",and treated as such.What is the risk of living outside your comfort zone?The answer is(no more so,than if you stay put!)I can go broke anyplace in the world,but i do want to live as well,as possible before I do!I also want "FREEDOM".Chok Dee Mak.Luckkybuddha999"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson
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